Consultation for the draft Strategic Development Plan for Port Ann and Carradale Grid Supply Points
Consultation for the draft Strategic Development Plan for Thurso South Grid Supply Point.
Are you interested in Demand Diversification Services? Do you want to learn more about our forthcoming DDS field trials? If so, we’ve got just the webinar.
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At SSEN Distribution, we're making key decisions to meet our network's needs. We are sharing our Operational Decision Making (ODM) and would value your feedback through our consultation. The ODM docu...
Through the RIIO-ED2 price control we are working to integrate climate action into all our operations, we understand that strong engagement with our suppliers is crucial for the achievement of our sus...
To secure an appointment please click the View Event button and complete the meeting request form.
We are pleased to invite you to our annual Winter Resilience Webinar for Resilience Partners in our Northern Licence Area.
Through the RIIO-ED2 price control we are working to integrate climate action into all our operations, we understand that strong engagement with our suppliers is crucial for the achievement of our sus...
To secure an appointment please click the View Event button and complete the meeting request form.